Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Pony Express, Mail Service Operating Between Saint Joseph, Missouri, A
Horse Express, mail administration working between Saint Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, initiated on April 3, 1860, under the bearing of the Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company. Around then, standard mail conveyance took as long as three weeks to cross the landmass. The Pony Express conveyed mail quickly overland riding a horse the about 2000 miles between St. Joseph and Sacramento; the timetable permitted ten days for the outing. The mail was then conveyed by pontoon to San Francisco. Stations averaging from the outset 40 km (25 mi) separated were built up, and every rider was relied upon to cover 120 km (75 mi) a day. Horse Express riders were generally lightweight youngsters, regularly adolescents. Extraordinary seat sacks that could be moved to a new pony rapidly at a change station were utilized. Bison Bill was a well known Pony Express rider. In the end, the Pony Express had in excess of 100 stations, 80 riders, and somewhere in the range of 400 and 500 ponies. The express course was very risky, yet just one mail conveyance was ever lost. The Pony Express is attributed with assisting with keeping California in the Union by giving quick correspondence between the two coasts. Updates on the appointment of Abraham Lincoln to the United States administration in 1860 and of the flare-up of the American Civil War in 1861 arrived at California by means of the Pony Express. The standard Pony Express help was ceased in October 1861, after the Pacific Telegraph Company finished its line to San Francisco. The Pony Express was created by William H. Russell, William B. Waddell, and Alexander Majors. Monetarily, the Pony Express was a disappointment, driving its authors to chapter 11. Be that as it may, the show encompassing the Pony Express made it a piece of the legend of the American West. Book index Horse Express, Microsoft? Encarta? Online Encyclopedia 2000 http://encarta.msn.com ? 1997-2000
Saturday, August 22, 2020
5 Techniques to Become Fluent in Italian
5 Techniques to Become Fluent in Italian There are various scholarly papers and tips from master language students that will assist you with getting conversant in Italian, however you may be amazed to realize that while those strategies are extraordinary, its extremely day by day duty that does what needs to be done headed to familiarity. As you approach your day by day concentrates however, there are five methods that will assist you with getting aheadâ as an understudy of Italian. 5 Techniques to Become Fluent in Italian 1.) Passively watching or listening doesn’t cut it as rehearsing the language There is a huge contrast between effectively tuning in and profiting by something in an unknown dialect and latently tuning in to it while pressing your conservative looking shirts or heading to work. At the point when you tune in to something in a remote language,â like a webcast, you have to have one sole reason for doing as such. For instance, if you’re hoping to improve your pronunciation,â focus in transit the speakers are articulating words, where they delay, and where they put the accentuation. Along these lines you can concentrate on one region and gain more ground inside it. What's more, talking about pronunciation†¦ 2.) Rushing through the articulation segments of each course is hindering Articulation IS significant and setting aside the effort to comprehend the right method to make statements causes you comprehend the communicated in language and feel progressively sure when you begin delivering the language all alone. On the off chance that you travel to Italy and begin a discussion, an Italian individual is bound to feel great addressing you and will proceed in Italian on the off chance that she or he can hear that your articulation is clear.â Besides, there are included symptoms of helping you with sentence structure, punctuation and jargon. 3.) Dont sipâ the inundation Kool-Aid that being in the nation isâ going to immensely improve your language capacity The fact of the matter is thatâ going to Italy at an amateur levelâ isâ lovely, yet not as advantageous as though you wereâ at a middle of the road level. At a halfway level, your ability to see subtleties, get on designs inside the language, and recall a greater amount of what you hear around you extends. Studies have indicated that going as a fledgling is too early and that you’re excessively far along on the off chance that you go at a propelled level. You’ll gain the most ground as a middle of the road student. Im not recommending that you shouldnt go to Italy as a fledgling, however what I am attempting to state is that youll have the best understanding in the event that you deal with your desires heretofore. 4.) Know how to work with a word reference Katã ³ Lomb, a Hungarian multilingual, claims that reliance on word references can handicap your capacity to deliver language all alone. I would concur with her and expound that it injures your trust in yourself. Each time you decide to race to a word reference as opposed to giving the word you know you’ve learned idea, you disclose to yourself that the word reference is more solid than what you’ve put away. Don’t do that. You can’t hurry to word references in live discussions, so figure out how to trust and depend on yourself while utilizing a word reference as what it’s intended to be †an investigation help. In the event that you need to utilize something on a customary, the best technique would be computerized separated time redundancy streak cards. 5.) Roadblocks are going to thud themselves in your manner as though they claimed the spot Time willâ take an excursion and leave you pondering where it went, cash will be tight and limit what number of classes youâ can pay for, and family or school or Netflix will request your consideration. What I need you to do is toâ anticipate the detours and plan ways around them. At the point when you don’t, they tend to run your life and will leave you at the air terminal toward the finish of another excursion asking why you’re stuck at the very same spot you were the prior year. Youll find that youre increasingly imaginative in taking care of issues with your investigations before they occur than you understood. Buono studio!
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Biological Preparedness and Classical Conditioning
Biological Preparedness and Classical Conditioning More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Biological preparedness is the idea that people and animals are inherently inclined to form associations between certain stimuli and responses. This concept plays an important role in learning, particularly in understanding the classical conditioning process. Some associations form easily because we are predisposed to form such connections, while other associations are much more difficult to form because we are not naturally predisposed to form them. For example, it has been suggested that biological preparedness explains why certain types of phobias tend to form more easily. We tend to develop a fear of things that may pose a threat to our survival, such as heights, spiders, and snakes. Those who learned to fear such dangers more readily were more likely to survive and reproduce. Biological Preparedness Working With Classical Conditioning One great example of biological preparedness at work in the classical conditioning process is the development of taste aversions. Have you ever eaten something and then gotten sick afterward? Chances are probably good that you avoided eating that particular food again in the future, even if it was not the food that caused your illness. Why do we form associations between the taste of food and illness so easily? We could just as easily form such associations between people who were present when we became ill, the location of the illness, or specific objects that were present. Biological preparedness is the key. People (and animals) are innately predisposed to form associations between tastes and illness. Why? It is most likely due to the evolution of survival mechanisms. Species that readily form such associations between food and illness are more likely to avoid those foods again in the future, thus ensuring their chances for survival and the likelihood that they will reproduce. Many phobia objects involve things that potentially pose a threat to safety and well-being. Snakes, spiders, and dangerous heights are all things that can potentially be deadly. Biological preparedness makes it so that people tend to form fear associations with these threatening options. Because of that fear, people tend to avoid those possible dangers, making it more likely that they will survive. Since these people are more likely to survive, they are also more likely to have children and pass down the genes that contribute to such fear responses.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What is a psycological impact of having an imbalanced life in a family - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 838 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? In the field of psychology and working institutions, scholarly research plans have a tendency to be impacted by the hierarchical and societal view of conflicting issues. The development of enthusiasm for work-life balance mirrors an idea that it is a subject that requires examination. It is conceivable that parents who are busy at work do not see an issue yet that teachers, mindful that kids are not being urged by occupied guardians to finish homework, do trust that the issue exists. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is a psycological impact of having an imbalanced life in a family?" essay for you Create order â€Å"The people who fall under the category of who believe in working less feel like they are a group of overachievers, however, there is nothing really strange about the. The slow movement in people and their progress is not all about slagging behind, rather, it is about being smarter and working effectively (DeWolf, 2015).†The paper aims to discuss the psychological effect of work-balance to the family. There are considerably bigger collection of studies on the results of types of imbalance in work-life and specifically different signs of work overflow and strife. This has just been addressed in past segments. In his survey of the branch of knowledge, Bartels (2007) recognizes look into on work and life fulfillment, on prosperity, physical as well as emotional wellbeing and singular execution in organizations. This mirrors an arrangement of conventional results important to psychologists. Recent studies have progressively perceived the multifaceted nature of the issues that surround marriage life, and the investigation by Hutchinson and partners referred to prior is only one representation of the concept of work-life balance that touches lack of understanding among the couples. Either the wife or the husband who seems to be always late home, spending a lot of time at work, works even while at home, leaves home immediately when he or she receives call to go to job disappoints more. H owever, working smart and nor hard can always create a balance between the family and the job activities. More refined research commonly begins from a specific family model. For instance, there is a vast assemblage of scholarly study on ladies professions that investigates the results of different sorts of duties in the family. Likewise, there is broad analysis on families that run double career. Such examinations more often than not consider the requests and rewards in both the working environment and the home. An illustration of the psychological impact of work-life balance on the family can be found research done by Hu, L., Hannum, Schnittker, Behrman (2015) who report a complete investigation of two-hundred double procuring married partners where they investigated the effect of a scope stressors of work on conjugal fulfillment. Conflict in the family set up caused by work is one of the stressors. Utilizing basic condition demonstrating, they found that a large portion of the stressors overflowed into conjugal fulfillment using employment fatigue and its effect on psychosomatic wellbeing. Conflict due to work in the family and time weight had a more grounded impact than different stressors, for example, relations with leaders and occupation instability. However, this influenced each accomplice autonomously and did not overflow into the conjugal fulfillment of the other accomplice. At the end of the day the ladies accomplice may have encountered work-family conflict; this affected wearine ss and wellbeing which thus negatively affected her conjugal fulfillment however regardless of this work overflow, the examination distinguished no marital overflow from the fulfillment by married couples. Another regular case is the examination of Gerson, (2011) who inspected the effect of family stressors and work as well as clashes on the emotional wellness and working of ladies in the United States Air Force. The findings of the study were complex. Utilizing auxiliary condition displaying once more, they identified that the married couples with family children parts had an alternate impact. They additionally deduced that high association in the family, as well as work, influenced the result. Both marital and occupation troubles and conflict of work imbalance in the family affect psychological wellness. High contribution in occupation and family impacts positively on distress but has a negative effect on the conflict of work imbalance between the husband and wife. There is a broad group of research from Australia, North America and Europe that shows the negative results of joblessness on family work unit and individual success. There are two major types of the model to that explains the concept; the agency model and the deprivation model. The deprivation model is especially connected with the work of Hutchinson (2016), and accentuates the idle elements of work, for example, status in the public arena, giving a period structure and requirements to perform a role. These elements are somehow linked to the people encountering joblessness. Conversely, an agency model (Hutchinson, 2016) offer substantially stronger effect to interpretation on individual basis and activity as opposed to elements related to the experience of joblessness. Office shapes future assumptions about the future precisely controlled analyses to be liable to change alter psychological intercession (Hutchinson, 2016). Joblessness may have insignificant effect on the organization yet an extensive effect on jobless specialists and their families.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The United States And The Civil War - 859 Words
For the first half of the 19th Century the, still relatively young, United States began to face many conflicts regarding civil rights as well as continuous opposing views between the North and South. One of the more prevalent issues at the time, even though both Democrat and Whig parties attempted to avoid talking about it, was regarding the institution of slavery and whether or not it was â€Å"right†. Another issue that arose was whether or not the country would go to war with Mexico after Democrat, and current president at the time, James K. Polk went to Congress with a declaration of war with the claim that on American soil, Mexico had caused the shedding of American blood. Furthermore, the war against Mexico would eventually ignite the debate of slavery even more and unfortunately lead to the events of the Civil War. The idea of abolishing slavery was becoming more popular during the 19th century and that struck fear into the South. In retaliation, the South configured th e idea of going to war as an opportunity to add more land to the country. However, southerners desired that the land obtained from the war would enter the union as slave states. Southern states were under-represented in the House and the addition of more slave states to the union would provide a shift in power towards the South and those Democrats representing the South that would allow them to be at ease knowing there was no threat to the institution of slavery. The Democrats of the South managed toShow MoreRelatedThe Civil War : The United States1622 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War divided the United States with its’ origin in the struggle to preserve the Union from the Confederacy’s succession. A war to maintain the United States quickly progressed to battles fought because of the controversial beliefs on slavery in the North and South. In the coming of the Civil War there were questions and confusion that many Americans were faced with in the words of the South ’s succession. During the war, families were torn due to the men lost to the Union or Confederate causesRead MoreThe United States Civil War918 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States civil war is thought of as what determined what kind of country we would be today. The U.S. civil war, otherwise known as the war of the states, began on April 12, 1861, and lasted until 1865. It consisted of the North (the Union) or the â€Å"free states†, against the South (the confederates) the slave states. When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860 he made promises of free territories, which caused a division between men who owned slaves and men who agreed with Lincoln. SlavesRead MoreUnited States And The Civil War1668 Words  | 7 PagesUS Civil War United States of America was formed as a result of the revolution that continued from 1776 to 1783. After that, United States was divided into two wings/ parts that are the southern and the northern parts. Then conflict between the two aroused because the northern and the southern societies were totally different of each other in terms of economic structure, social class, politics and other social matters especially slavery. The civil war, that started in 1861 and ended in 1865, wasRead MoreThe Civil War : The United States909 Words  | 4 PagesThe Civil War was one of the most pivotal and significant moments in the history of the United States of America. Therefore, its impact of the Civil War was tremendous, and in many ways has shaped the way the United States has evolved into the present. The Civil War brought lots of beneficial changes to America including economic, agriculture, military, and people’s lives. During the Civil War, women stepped out of their domestic do mains to help or support their husbands in the field, or other soldiersRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1605 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War of the United States was a major and influential event in the history of our country. The Civil War shaped our nation and how we think of liberty in general. Such a big event in our antiquity must have been caused by a series of dominant events. However, a War of this size has many effects to go along with it. The most common effect thought of is the freedom of slaves, however, the Civil War was not just a war fought for freedom. One major cause of the Civil War was the issue of slaveryRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1561 Words  | 7 PagesCivil War Slaves Freedom can be defined as, â€Å"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint†. (Definition) Everyone in the United States of America is entitled to this basic human right, presented to us by our founding fathers, though it was not always that simple. Even though it was in the Constitution, many people living before the mid 18th century in the United States were not extended this right, due to their nationality or lack of fortune. Someone lackingRead MoreThe United States And The Civil War920 Words  | 4 Pagesknown in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew t o include eleven states, and although they claimed thirteen states and additionalRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1233 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Blundering Generation†Division among a population for opposing goals wasn t a new concept brought to light by the Civil War. Almost one hundred years prior to the Civil War, inhabitants of the thirteen colonies fought against each other towards their differing support for their wages of unity. Patriots fought Loyalists for coalition of the colonies, and likewise Northerners now fought Southerners for the preservation of the Union. The imminent breakup of the Union, likewise to the dissolutionRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1440 Words  | 6 Pages The Civil War was one of the most deadly wars the United States ever fought it was fought between the North and South and to this day still leaves a big mark on the history of the United States. Though the Civil War seemed to be clear cut on what happened during the conflict its cause is to this day seemingly undecided. Was it the simple piece of legislature called the Kansas-Nebraska act that started it or the election of the United States president Abraham Lincoln that caused the turmoil? EitherRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1082 Words  | 5 Pagesof the United States was the Civil War. The Civil War is often remembered as the war to end slavery. While that did play a part of the Civil War the larger issue at hand was the annihilation of the United States of America. The Confederate States of America wanted to break away from the United States and form their own country. The Confederate States of America, or more commonly known as the Confederacy, was formed by seven slave states located in the southern region of the United States. The economy
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Absolute and Relative Surplus Value †Seminar Free Essays
string(160) " ability of the capitalist to manipulate the surplus labour time in order to produce surplus product is the starting point for the extraction of surplus value\." In contemporary social science, the concept of â€Å"value†has attained currency in such disciplines like Economics, Sociology, Political science etc. in these disciplines, value is considered as those essentials needed by members of a society. It is further seen as scarce resources pursued by competing groups. We will write a custom essay sample on Absolute and Relative Surplus Value – Seminar or any similar topic only for you Order Now Value in political economy, basically refers to that portion that creates wealth or the so called reward for the â€Å"risk taker†, the entrepreneur.In other words, value refers to that unpaid labour of the worker which the capitalist pockets or recapitalizes. It should be noted that, the concept of value is an integral part of the labour process in general, capitalist commodity production, wear and tear of the working class and of course class antagonism. In essence, the concept of value (Absolute and Relative) cannot be understood without recourse to the mode of production that brings it about as well as the nature of social relations of production.Under capitalism, labour power becomes a commodity and like any commodity, it has its value and use value. The value of any commodity like labour power is determined by the expenditure of social labour on its production and reproduction. Therefore, surplus value is derived from surplus labour of a worker. The worker creates a value which the owner of the means of production appropriates without compensation. Marx’s Das Capital not only revealed the exploitation surrounding the extraction of surplus value, he as well revealed the degree and ratio of exploitation involving the labour power of the workers.In this direction, he maintained that that surplus value can be categorized into â€Å"Absolute and Relative†. With this, Marx gives an analogy of how the value of labour power is used in extending capital. A school master is a productive labour or his labour power becomes of value when he finds himself in a school factory, that he must ensure that teaching and non-teaching staffs become productive as to ensure not only the preservation of capital assets of the owner of the means of production but that they produce surplus value that exceeds the rate of hiring them.Beyond this, Marx situated the social relations of production in historical context which has continued to associate the worker and surplus value creation. From the foregoing, capitalist exploitation of the labour power of workers can be looked at from two angles: the first being the production of Absolute surplus value which becomes possible in the prolongation of the working day. In other words, to Marx, Absolute surplus value is obtained by increasing the amount of time worked per worker in a given time.From one stand point, an y distinction between Absolute and Relative surplus value appears illusory. Relative surplus value is Absolute since it compels the absolute prolongation of the working day beyond the labour time necessary to the existence of the labourer himself; While Absolute surplus value is relative since it makes necessary such a development of the productiveness of labour, as will allow of the necessary labour time being confined to a portion of the working day. The second way of increasing the degree of the exploitation of labour power through the relative surplus value which is derived by a reduction of the necessary labour time without any changes in the working day. For Marx, it is possible to reduce the labour time primarily by increasing social labour productivity in branches producing means of subsistence for the workers. Consequently, both the Absolute and Relative surplus value are defined within the logic of the establishment of capitalism which perpetually subjects labour to capital.Again, Marx tries to highlight the differences between the Absolute and Relative surplus value, which he says is defined with the establishment of the capitalist mode of production; that is it is the prolongation of the working day beyond the point at which the labourer would have produced just an equivalent for the value of his labour power, and the appropriation of that surplus labour by capital. Although, as a special method of reducing relative sur plus value, he continues capitalist industries get operated by by the army of workers themselves with the ultimate aim of ensuring the revolution of the entire capitalist production.It is with regard to the forgoing, that the author presupposes that when the above two conditions that creates surplus value for the capitalists are absent or when the labour spends all his labour time for the reproduction of himself, then the cycle of capital reproduction is obstructed and class division disappears. However, Marx goes on to say that the increasing complexity of the needs of society has correspondingly increased the absolute and relative surplus value extracted in the process of production. Regarding the origin of surplus value and labour power from its engagement, Marx is of the opinion that it was influenced under two conditions: The first being the subsistence of workers when man gathered natural wealth for subsistence. The second is market conditions when market production got underway, instruments of labour such as navigable rivers, wood, coal, metal etc became important in the capitalist production of goods and services. Inhering from the consequence of commercial production is the issue of climatic change which is caused the excessive demand for consumer goods.So, the lesser the natural wants of man; the greater the fertility of the soil and the suitable climatic conditions and ultimately, the less impoverished the labourer. From the foregoing, the capitalist mode of production, according to Marx, thrives on man’s assertiveness on the wealth of nature. The differentiation of the fertility of the soil and its components such as the changes of the seasons in forms social division of labour in societies and by extension multiplied human wants, his capabilities, means of production and surplus value. t therefore follows that human labour is the only source of new economic value since it is indispensable for the conservation and transfer economic value (maintenance and redistribution of capital assets). In other words, the ability of the capitalist to manipulate the surplus labour time in order to produce surplus product is the starting point for the extraction of surplus value. You read "Absolute and Relative Surplus Value – Seminar" in category "Papers" Bourgeois economists such as David Ricardo did not see surplus value as the driving force behind the productiveness of labour rather as an essential part of labour production that determines surplus value.Again, this view of the Bourgeois scholars contrasts from that of the merchantilists which believe that surplus value originates from the aspect of exchange of the labour product above its original value. Another, bourgeois scholar with yet another perspective is John Stuart Mill who sees surplus value as inhering from the duration of the product of labour. In other words, Mill believed surplus value can still be made without the exchange value of commodities. But, in reality, surplus value can be derived from subtracting the total expenditure made in the process of production and exchange from the final price of the commodity.Surplus value is in fact the main goal and the driving force of capitalist production. It is also important to note that it is on the basis of the engagement of labour power that surplus value is extracted. Since capital needs a steady flow of labour power to preserve the capital assets and provide surplus value, it is where the mystery of capitalist exploitation lies, it becomes pertinent to examine the views of Karl Marx on the following Sub themes: CHANGES OF MAGNITUDE INTHE PRICE OF LABOUR POWER AND IN SURPLUS VALUE: Labour power is determined by the expenditure of social labour on its production and reproduction. In other words, in order to live and work, a worker has to have food, clothes, housing, etc , in order to meet his needs and fulfill his role as a member of society. Essentially, for Marx, there are three important factors that determine the value of labour power: i.The value of the necessaries required by the worker ii. The expenses involved in skills acquisition of the labourer iii. The value of the means of subsistence required to maintain the workerà ¢â‚¬â„¢s family. In addition, labour power has a specific use value which no other commodity possesses. For example, the use value of commodities such as bread, clothes, footwear, writing materials, etc is fully used up in the process of consumption while the use value of labour power has the capacity to produce more value than it has itself.This also constitutes the cradle of capitalist exploitation and appropriation of surplus value. It is based o the above premise that Marx underscores that the Relative magnitudes of surplus value and of price of labour power are determined by three circumstances: a. The length of the working day b. The normal intensity of labour c. The productiveness of labour The above factors or circumstances could variously be combined. One of the three factors could be constant and the others variable or two constant and one variable or lastly all three simultaneously variable.The following analogy further explains the various combinations that determine the relative magnitudes of surplus value and the value of labour power: LENGTH OF THE WORKING DAY AND INTENSITY OF LABOUR CONSTANT. PRODUCTIVENESS OF LABOUR VARIABLE : The above assumptions are determined by three laws: First, a working day of a given length always creates the same amount of value, irrespective of the productiveness of labour and with it the mass of the product and the price of each of the product may vary.What the capitalist would do in this circumstance in order to extract surplus value is to divide the working day into two parts: The first is the necessary labour time and the other is surplus labour time. The capitalist maximizes the utility of the surplus labour time in which time the worker expends surplus labour and creates surplus value. Ag ain, Marx added that the outcome of labour process varies with the productiveness of labour. Second, surplus value and the value of labour power vary in opposite directions. A variation in the productiveness of labour, its increase or decrease influence the variation in the opposite direction of the value of labour power and in the same direction in surplus value. In other words, the capitalists through the intensity of labour can reduce the value of labour power, while at the same time increase their extraction of surplus value. Further, the value of labour power cannot fall and consequently surplus value cannot rise without a rise in the productiveness of labour.For instance, a working day of seven hours created a value of #10,000 as a constant. The constant quantity is the sum of the surplus value plus the value of labour power; therefore, neither of them can increase without the other diminishing. It then follows that the value of the labour power cannot decrease from #10,000 to #8,000 unless an increase in the productiveness of labour makes it possible to produce in five hours the same quantity of necessaries as previously required in 7 hours to pro duce.On the other hand, the value of the labour power cannot rise from #10,000 to #12,000 without a decrease in the productiveness of labour, whereby 9 hours become sufficient to produce the same quantity of necessaries for the production of which 7 hours previously sufficed. Third, increase or diminution in surplus value depends on the corresponding diminution or increase in the value of labour power. Every change of magnitude in surplus value arises from an inverse change of magnitude in the value of labour power.According to this third law, a change in the magnitude of surplus value presupposes a movement in the value of labour power, which movement is brought about by a variation in the productiveness of labour. WORKING DAY CONSTANT. PRODUCTIVENESS OF LABOUR CONSTANT. INTENSITY OF LABOUR VARIABLE : In this case, increased intensity of labour in a constant working day of 7 hours will amount to more products than one of less intense labour. Productiveness of labour will also result in more products in a given day of 7 hours. Evidently, the mass of surplus value can be increased both by increasing the rate of the exploitation of labour power and by increasing the number of wage workers. In addition, the reduction of the value of the workers means of subsistence and consequently the value of labour power or a reduction of the necessary labour time and increase in the surplus labour time can generate surplus value in the process of capitalist production. Again, technology increases surplus value at the expense of labour power.In fact, capitalism as a social system puts all the achievements of the technical progress at the service of non-working, parasitic classes and dooms the working class to poverty and rightlessness. Machines serve to intensify the exploitation of labour and wear out the human organism at a faster pace. When the value created by a day’s labour increases from #8,000 to #10,000, then the two parts into which this value is divided, ie price of labour power and surplus value may both increase simultaneously, equally or unequally.Here, the rise in the price of labour power does not necessarily imply that the price has risen above the value of labour power. On the contrary, the rise in price may be accompanied by a fall in value. This occurs whenever the rise in the price of labour power does not compensate for its increased wear and tear. PRODUCTIVENESS AND INTENSITY OF LABOUR CONSTANT. LENGTH OF THE WORKING DAY VARIABLE: The length of the working day creates a greater or less amount of value. In addition, every change between the magnitudes of surplus value and the value of labour power arises from a change in the absolute magnitudes of the surplus labour.Furthermore, the absolute value of labour can change only in consequence of the reaction exercised by the prolongation of surplus labour upon the wear and tear of labour power. From the foregoing, one can conclude that: A shortening of the working day under the conditions leaving the value of labour power and its necessary labour time unaltered; it then reduces the surplus labour and surplus value. A change in the productiveness and intensity of labour either precedes or immediately follows a shortening of the working day.Second, if the working day be lengthened say 2 hours and the price of labour power remain altered; the surplus value increases both absolutely and relatively. In other words, the change of relative magnitude in the value of labour power is the result of the change of absolute magnitude in surplus value. The point to be emphasized here is that the wear and tear of workers is not adequately compensated in Nigeria. SIMULTANEUOS VARIATIONS IN THE DURATION, PRODUCTIVENESS AND INTENSITY OF LABOUR The ifferent variations are capable of counteracting one another, either wholly or in part. In speaking of diminishing productiveness of labour, it is in relation with those industries whose products takes care of the subsistence of the worker such as the fertility of the soil and the consequent dearness of its products like food, shelter, clothes, etc. In the latter case, should there be no change in the working day, the capitalists will experience a fall in surplus value because the price of the labour power required for production would have increased. Therefore, with diminishing productiveness of labour and a simultaneous lengthening of the working day, the absolute magnitude of surplus value may continue unaltered, at the same time that its relative magnitude diminishes; its relative magnitude may continue unchanged at the same time that its absolute magnitude increases; both the absolute magnitude and relative magnitude may increase in so far as the duration of the working day is sufficient. On the other hand, the increasing productiveness of labour with a simultaneous shortening of the necessary labour time results in the relative surplus value.When the productiveness of labour is as a result of increasing social labour productivity in branches producing means of subsistence for the workers and their families, it serves to reduce the value of labour power and subsequently produces absolute and relative surplus value when the necessary labour time is reduced at the expense of the surplus labour time. However, the more the produc tiveness of labour increases, the more can the working day be shortened; and the more the working day is shortened , the more can the productiveness of labour increase.VARIOUS FORMULAE FOR THE RATE OF SURPLUS VALUE: The rate of surplus value in production is defined by Marx as the volume of surplus value produced by the workforce divided by the variable capital expended to produce: a Surplus value S = Surplus value = Surplus labour Variable capital V Value of labour power Necessary labour b. Surplus labour =Surplus value =Surplus product Working day Value of the Product Total ProductHere, the intensity and productiveness of labour embodied in a working day depicts the degree of exploitation of labour. The formula for the mass of surplus value (S) is = S’x V, where S is the rate of surplus value and V is the variable capital advanced for the remuneration of all the workers. Evidently, the mass of surplus can be increased both by increasing the rate of the exploitation of labour power and by increasing the number of wage workers. Conclusion: How to cite Absolute and Relative Surplus Value – Seminar, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Arts Censored Essay Example For Students
The Arts Censored Essay Many people are for the arts being censored for certain reasons, but with it Ewing so hard to place limits on?this causes people to not put limits on it, ere best policy, we have decided, is to allow everything into the artistic marketplace, and let history and time sort it all These arguments for the arts being censored by Ben Shapiro show that art itself will die it the artistic marketplace is full of trap, no one will want to take time to view the art, More reasons for not allowing certain forms of art to go public is to keep the financial state for corporations in order, Music can arouse doubts for the way a corporation does business. A movie can turn an opinion against an idea causing lawsuits to form from the public, only if it was released sometime around an environmental problem which would involve that company or country. All of this can scare away investors. Some censorship, in cases like these, can avoid unfair situations. What is considered taboo in a society can be a norm in some other society, and if this is taken as the basis for censoring art; everything we know Of would be censored. Such as how in India they worship cows, in America, we eat beef on a meal-to-meal basis. Some artist want to censor for themselves, self- enshrines, because they fear the repercussions of religious people, and other groups. The dangers of self. Censorship are very broad. William Skill states that Artists have a right?and sometimes a duty?to offend their audiences. And audiences have a right?and sometimes a duty?to be offended by what they see or hear. .. For once arts organizations cease to present work that might offend, artists will cease to create it. Then the small-minded, the bigoted, and the self. Righteous can celebrate their victory, and the arts world can only count its asses. (Cooke) Cooke goes onto say artist are seen as talented individuals who see, and point out problems in todays society which help broaden the public minds. Uncensored art is as important to the development to a sorcery as criticism, Because art is the expressions of an artist, censoring art is equivalent to violating the right of free speech. People can always choose not to look at what they dont feel conformable with, but asking an artist to stop practicing art because it doesnt suit society, is wrong. Cooke ends his article stating that art isnt always have to be the way we like it, so censoring it only to suit our tastes is unethical and violation of free speech. An artist has the freedom to express what he or she feels and nobody, for Whatever reason, has the right to Censor their work. Censoring art would only mean stopping the development of a society. These arguments are very convincing. Shapiro argument has a feel of sympathy towards artist, in that if they continue to do degrade art their work Will be not as successful. He is also fearful of more and more profound works. The article is Censoring Justified had many cases where you could fall to either side of the argument. Both arguments were very solid, and I would have to do more reading to pick one side just yet. To write an essay on censoring the arts, I would need to find real cases and instances where the artist was not able to produce their original work.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Stages of a Married Woman with Children
Introduction Singlehood is perhaps one of the most exciting yet challenging stages in life especially for a young Christian woman. One might find that there are those who are single by choice and those who are single due to certain circumstances such as divorce or even the death of a spouse if they had been married earlier in their young lives (Klein 2003).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Stages of a Married Woman with Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This state of singlehood, even though enjoyable in the fact that the young woman is not burdened with extra responsibilities if she has not yet been previously married, proves difficult in that majority of such Christian women are faced with a harsh reality (Taurel 2008). This reality is that in order for them to consistently remain true in their Christian faith as per the expectations of the church as well as family, they are likely to never be be trothed to any man (Clinton Sibcy 2006). This is also the reason as to why majority of single Christian women move away from the church and its activities and even to some extent from God. Other challenges that a single Christian woman may experience includes sexual temptations and that is why Paul in his giving advice to young unmarried men and women in 1 Corinthians 7: 8 – 9, suggested, â€Å"Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.†(NIV 1984). Essay Despite the aforementioned challenges, unmarried Christian women tend to have more fun as compared to those who are single due to circumstances and have extra responsibilities such as children and their career. Singlehood is a time of soul-searching and a time of self-discovery where a single Christian woman realizes what she truly desires to achieve in future once she gets married, has a career and bears children (Klein 2003). Unlike how it was in the past, unmarried women of this day and age are free to choose whom to love and get married to as marriages are no longer arranged by parents except in a few cultures such as Hindu (Cloud Townsend 2001). Single Christian women also have a choice of not allowing their singlehood to become a burden to them especially in instances where family and peer pressure is experienced but rather of embracing their status and endeavoring to live a joy-filled and wholesome life (Taurel 2008). Once a young woman has reached of age, she always desires and looks forward to getting married. For a single Christian woman, dreams of having a wedding ceremony in church where family and friends can attend and celebrate her union to her future husband are always on her mind (Clinton Sibcy 2006).Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OF F Learn More Such Christian women are brought up and nurtured to embrace the fact that it is better to be officially married in public as compared to eloping or staying single until old age which would be viewed by the society as unnatural (Klein 2003). Single Christian women are also taught that it is better to find a potential husband who is also a Christian and has faith in God in order to avoid domestic conflicts which would otherwise have been avoided. They are also taught to embrace and strive to be like the Godly woman in Proverbs 31 (Brasher 1998). Marriage is considered to be a huge step for a single Christian woman and is celebrated with joy and expectations of what the future holds for the couple. Christianity perceives it as a holy sacrament representing the relationship existing between the Church and Jesus Christ as per the Old Testament teaching of the relationship that was there between Israel and God (Taurel 2008). In Matthew 19: 5 – 6 it is written, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate†(NIV 1984). Once married, a Christian woman finds herself with more responsibilities towards her husband and taking care of their home in addition to attending to her career if she is already employed. Under Christianity married women are given a choice of working and having their place in the society and whole community or that of staying at home to perform their daily activities which include looking after their children (Moore, et al. 2004). Considering the fact that in this day and age, a married Christian woman can choose whether or not to have children, majority of them opt to have them anyway as it is the Biblical thing to do as per the Scriptures where in Genesis 1: 28, Adam and Eve were commanded to â€Å"†¦Be fruitful and increase in num ber; fill the earth and subdue it.†(NIV 1984). Raising children has proven to be quite a challenge since time immemorial and especially for career women who rarely have time for their husbands and children. Titus 2: 3 – 5 gives a few instructions to married women regarding their children, husbands and homes where it is written, â€Å"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†(NIV 1984). A married Christian woman is expected to not only be submissive to her husband but also not to be a nag. Such a wife is expected to make her husband glad to come home every day and finding food on the table and if he needs it, a warm bath awaiting him.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Stages of a Married Woman with Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More This is rather difficult to accomplish in the 21st Century, whether the wife is a Christian or not as due to the demands of her busy schedule from her career leaving her tired by the end of the day and arriving home late in the night (Klein 2003). A married Christian woman may find herself having not time to spare for her husband and children and such is the reason as to why majority of Christian marriages are failing since the family feels neglected of the love they feel they deserve. Additionally, a married Christian woman with children may find herself in a situation such as the one aforementioned, that of singlehood due to circumstance (Taurel 2008). As it is well known, majority of men and husbands especially in the United States are usually encouraged to enroll in the military and if one is a husband, he may tend not to be present at all times. There are also those married Christian women with children who may find themselves widowed. This leaves the married Christian woman with extra responsibilities of running the house and catering to their children all by herself (Klein 2003). More often than not, those women who are Christians and married with husbands who are away on business or are widowed sometimes find themselves being lonely and in need of companionship (Moore, et al. 2004). This is especially hard for a Christian woman with children as she is expected to keep herself pure and remain faithful to her husband who even though is not with her physically, is still her husband. Most women find themselves falling into temptation of entertaining other men whom majority of them are other women’s husbands which constitutes to adultery (Clinton Sibcy 2006). Such women should instead remember that their bodies are considered temples of the Holy Spirit and that God never tempts one beyond what they can bear (Thomas 2008). These women should also seek spiritual counseling from their pastors, women pastors, as to the manner in which they can best control their emotions and deal with their loneliness while their husbands are away. All married women with children should strive to emulate Proverbs 31 which describes an ideal mother and wife (Brasher 1998). Married women with children and husbands who are not always at home or have passed on find it especially difficult to manage their homes as most of their time is spent away at work and by the time they arrive home they are too tired to pay any or little attention to their children who are demanding of their mother’s attention since their father is not close (Clinton Sibcy 2006).Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Majority of such children and especially in this day and age grow up to be disrespectful of their mothers, which is against the Scriptures where it is written in Exodus 20: 12. â€Å"Honor thy father and mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee†(NIV 1984). It is rather sad to observe that working Christian married women with children do not even have time to spare and teach their children about the Bible as a way of nurturing them spiritually and bringing them up to be obedient children. It is quite possible for such women and especially those with a career to seek to usurp some form of authority and this may tend to cause conflicts between them and their children (Moore, et al. 2004). It is written in Isaiah 3:12 that, â€Å"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them†¦..†and this has become evident presently where children tend to be more rebellious, causing a lot of strife in their homes leading women to become bossy and more demanding (Clinton Sibcy 2006). It is important for the father to be present as a man is a representation of authority and order in the home but in cases where they are not present, children tend to view their mothers as weak and therefore take up an assumption that they can get away with almost anything. A married woman with children and whose husband is away or has passed on should set and maintain limits as this will teach such children positive discipline and enable them to establish their own sense of wrong and right in addition to having an attitude of self discipline (Thomas 2008). Married women especially Christian married women should realize the fact that the best way of showing their love towards their children in the most appropriate way is to ensure that their children develop positive child behavior through obedience of the set rules (Clinton Sibcy 2006). One of the stages that is perhaps feared by a Christian woman apart from t hat of singlehood is that of experiencing an empty nest. This is a time when all the children are grown up and have moved away from the homestead (Klein 2003). Many married Christian women more often than not find themselves unsure of what to do with their time now that taking care of their children is no longer a key responsibility. This is especially worse if the married Christian woman is single by choice as she will now be faced with an empty house and experience loneliness (Cloud Townsend 2001). She may find herself facing similar challenges that she faced while she was still single such as sexual temptations and it is therefore important for such a Christian married woman to keep herself pure and remember that her body is considered to be a temple of God (Taurel 2008). An empty nest may leave the married Christian woman with plenty of time in her hands even if she is a career woman and this is not a good thing as she may be forced to engage in some unconstructive behaviors (C loud Townsend 2001). Such married Christian women should therefore seek counsel from women church elders or other Christian married women who have experienced the same and be advised on ways of coping with the circumstances. Conclusion It is often mistakenly believed that problems of life tend to go away once a person is married or gets married to someone else as they will share their individual problems and find solutions. Even though this is partly true, people should realize that marriage is an institution that has its own problems which are distinct from the ones faced while in courtship. It is especially difficult and challenging for married women with children who are expected to remain faithful and cater to the needs of her husband and children. Those whose husbands are away are expected to act as breadwinners and provide for their children, ensuring that they grow up and develop to be respectable individuals with good behavior. Married women should strive to bring up their children in a Godly way as this will instill virtues in their hearts which they will grow to uphold. References Brasher, B. E. (1998). Godly Women: Fundamentalism and Female Power. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Clinton, T., Sibcy, G. (2006). Loving Your Children Too Much: Staying Close to Your Kids Without Overprotecting, Overindulging, or Overcontrolling. Nashville, TN: Integrity Publishers. Clinton, T., Sibcy, G. (2006). Why you do the Things you do: The Secret to Healthy Relationships. New York, NY: Thomas Nelson Inc. Cloud, H., Townsend, J. (2001). Boundaries with Kids. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Klein, V. (2003). Britain’s Married Women Workers, Volume 122. London: Routledge. Moore, B., Briscoe, J., Wilson, S. D., Hart, K., Hager, D., Wells, T., LaHaye, B. (2004). A Woman and her God: Life-enriching Messages: Extraordinary Women. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers. Smith, H. (2007). Letters to Married Women: On Nursing and the Management of Chil dren. 6th Edition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. Taurel, R. H. (2008). Marriage: The Forgotten Covenant. USA: Xulon Press. The Holy Bible. New International Version (NIV). (1984). The Old Testament and the New Testament. International Bible Society. Colorado: Colorado Springs. Thomas, G. (2008). Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy? Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. This research paper on Stages of a Married Woman with Children was written and submitted by user Jayson Curry to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Gender-Inclusive Language for English Learners
Gender-Inclusive Language for English Learners Gender refers to either being a man or a woman. Gender-inclusive language can be defined as language that doesn’t prefer one gender over another. Here are a few examples of gender-biased language common in the English language used in the past. A doctor can treat you for a wide variety of diseases. It’s important that he understands your health history. Successful businessmen understand how to negotiate good deals. In the first sentence, the writer speaks in general about doctors, but assumes that a doctor is a man. In the second example, the term businessmen ignores the fact that many successful business people arewomen. Terminology Gender the sex of a person - male or female Gender-inclusive including all gendersGender-biased showing a preference for or against a genderGender-neutral showing no preference for or against a gender As an English student, it’s possible that you’ve learned some English that has gender-biased language. Gender-biased can be understood as language which uses stereotypes to describe men and women. This article will help you recognize gender-biased English language statements and provide suggestions on how you can use more gender-inclusive language. English is already difficult enough, so you might not think this is important. However, there is a strong push towards the use of more gender-neutral language in day to day usage, especially at work. Over the past few decades, writers and instructors have become more aware of common terminology and writing styles that tend to favor men and assumptions about behavior that no longer reflect the modern world. To change this, English speakers have adopted new terminology that reflects a more gender-neutral style. Common Changes in Professions The easiest change you can make is with professions that end in ‘-man’ such as ‘businessman’ or‘postman’. Often we substitute ‘person’ for ‘-man’, in other cases the name of the profession maychange. Another word that changes is ‘master’ which indicates a man. Here are some of the most common changes. Common Changes to Gender-Inclusive English actress - actorstewardess - flight attendantanchorman/anchorwoman - anchorbusinessman/businesswoman - businesspersonchairman/chairwoman - chair person / chaircongressman - member of congress / congress personcraftsman - artisandeliveryman – courierdoorman - door attendentstatesman - statespersonfireman - firefighterfreshman - first year studenthandyman - maintenance personheadmaster - principalheroine - herohousewife - homemakerFrenchman - French personmaid - house cleanermailman - mail carriermankind - humanitymaster - expertmasterpiece – great work of artMiss / Mrs. - Ms.mother tongue - native language/first languagespokesman/spokeswoman - spokespersonwaitress/waiter - wait personpoliceman - police officer/officer Shaun Fawcett has a great page if youre interested in an extensive list of gender-neutral equivalent words. Mr. and Ms. In English, Mr. is used for all men. However, in the past, women were either ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Miss’ dependingon whether they were married. Now, ‘Ms.’ is used for all women. ‘Ms.’ reflects that it is not important toknow whether a woman is married or not. Gender-Neutral Pronouns Pronouns can be very tricky. In the past, when speaking in general, the pronoun ‘he’ was often used. A person who lives in the country has many advantages. He can enjoy daily walks and enjoy fresh air. He can live a healthy life and meet with his friends. However, this shows a bias towards men in general. Of course, there are healthy women who live in the country! Here are a few suggestions on how to stay away from this common mistake. They She/He Using they/them to indicate a single, gender neutral person is now commonly accepted. You can be sure someone understands by how they react to your statement.Does anybody know the answer to the question? They can email the director with the answer. He/She Before they/them entered the common vernacular, writers often used he/she – him/her (or she/he – her/him) to show both are possible when speaking in general. When someone gets ready to find a new job, he/she needs to be aware that there are many challenges in this difficult market. It’s up to her/him to research any job opening carefully. Alternating Pronouns Another approach is to change pronoun forms throughout your writing. This can be confusing to the reader. Someone who goes shopping will have too many choices. He might have more than twenty clothing stores to choose from. Or, she might just go to a department store. In any case, he might spend more time trying to find just the right item. Plural Forms Another way to be gender-neutral in your writing is to speak in general and use plural forms when possible rather than the singular. Consider this example: A student has to be on time and take careful notes. He/She also needs to do homework every night.Students have to be on time and take careful notes. They also need to do homework every night. In the second example, the plural pronoun they replaces students as the rules are meant for everybody.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Understanding and meeting the needs of elderly citizen in the Thesis
Understanding and meeting the needs of elderly citizen in the hospitality industry - Thesis Example Understanding and meeting the needs of elderly citizen in the hospitality industry After extensive literature review, the methodology was explained. The findings have been given in chapter IV and all objectives have been achieved. This was a qualitative study based on literature review and survey questionnaire. The study concludes that the elderly segment is a high potential group with several sub-groups within the group. The demographic changes pose several challenges to the hospitality sector but it is worth working towards these challenges. This is a heterogeneous group with their own characteristics. They are fun-lovers and have the money power to indulge in comfort, convenience and luxury, as their individual situation permits. Their needs depend not just upon the chronological age but also on the biological and the psychological age. The self-concept and the self-image also impact their needs and wants. All these again depend upon the level of education and income level. This has also given them the consumer power as they have better control over themselves, over their needs, over their expenses and how they want to use their money. They have reached a phase where they value their own self and would like to spend on self-development. The hospitality sector can benefit by taking note of the recommendations made in Chapter IV. This is a segment which offers tremendous scope for growth and the segment is growing. However, needs and wants keep changing with every generation and hence the hospitality sector should conduct regular surveys and the market research should be ongoing so that they can keep themselves abreast of the changing consumer preferences of the elderly segment. The study has made suggestion for further research on the subject before highlighting the imitations of the study. Table of Contents Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background 3 1.2 Rationale for research 3 1.3 Research aims and Objectives 4 1.4 Significance of the study 5 1.5 Scope and limitation of the study 6 1.6 Structure of the study 6 1.7 Key terms 7 Chapter II Lite rature Review 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Global macro demographic shifts, challenges, changes 9 2.3 Characteristics of the elderly consumer behaviour 10 2.4 Different levels of needs of elderly citizen 12 2.5 Reasons why elderly travel 15 2.6 Summary of literature review 16 Chapter III Methodology 17 3.1 Research philosophy 17 3.2 Research phenomenon 17 3.3 Research approach 17 3.4 Research design 18 3.5 Role of the researcher 19 3.6 Data collection 19 3.7 Data Analysis 21 3.8 Ethical concerns 21 3.9 Reliability and validity 22 Chapter IV Presentation of Results 4.1 Introduction 23 4.2 Findings 23 4.3 Discussion 26 Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusion 31 5.2 Recommendations for further research 32 5.3 Limitations 33 References 34 Appendix 35 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background Countries all over the world have been experiencing a hike in the elderly population as the life span has increased. Along with the life span, the quality of life too has increased with advanc ements in technology and medication. Advancing age brings about changes in consumer needs, wants and abilities (Meneely, Strugnell & Burns, 2009). Many studies in the past have attempted to describe and understand the elderly consumer but the elderly consumer segment has gained importance in recent years because of their size and buying power (Meadow, Cosmas & Plotkin, 1981). The ageing
Monday, February 3, 2020
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Finance - Essay Example ce is still in its infancy with some serious limitations but it still can offer a relatively critical and most important alternative system that can offer the same. My purpose of the study therefore is to study this field at academic level and explore further the relative dynamics and mechanics of Islamic Finance and how it can be appropriately applied at Banks so that Banks and other financial institutions not only diversify their range of options but also engage themselves into non-speculative activities to safeguard the interest of their stakeholders. Since Islamic Finance is unique in the sense that it considers depositors and borrowers as owners therefore the implications of such assumptions make Islamic Finance a more unique blend to study and understand for securing the conventional financial system. I would request admission committee to consider my credentials for this course and allow me admission at PhD level for this course so that I can engage myself into researching and studying one of the most critical approaches to dealing with Financial matters in our daily
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Definition of quality of life
Definition of quality of life CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL STUDY 2.1 Introduction Chapter two discusses the theoretical aspect in quality of life. In addition, the description of the Orang Asli community will also be given to providing a better understanding of this community. This is because quality of life has become one of government main agenda in developing the countries. This chapter will explain relation with quality of life and Orang Asli community. The reasons are quality of life always related with the studies at urban areas meanwhile studies about quality of life at rural area is rarely done. That is the reason on choosing a Orang Asli community as a subject of study because Orang Asli community are usually located at the rural area and remote area. Other than that, Orang Asli community always said to live in a backward and lagging behind compare to other races in Malaysia. Therefore, the understanding of quality of life and Orang Asli should be suppressed in chapter two. 2.2 Definition 2.2.1 Definition of Quality Of Life Quality of life is a subjective matter that difficult to be measured. So it is important to known the actual meaning of quality of life. The best ways of understanding is by separate the word of ‘quality of life. According to oxford dictionaries, ‘quality is standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind which is the degree of excellence of something meanwhile ‘life bring stand for the period between the birth and death of a living thing , especially a human being. So quality of life actual meaning is degree of excellence of human being. According Lim Lan Yuan, Belinda Yuen and Christine Low (1999) in a book entitle ‘Quality Of Life in the Cities, quality of life is a multifaceted concept. Meaning of multifaceted is something that is wide. In this case it is because quality of life covers not only a material aspect such as level of living but also aspect of life such as a good health and level of education. In other words, Lim Lan Yuan, Belinda Yuen and Christine Low (1999) try to tell us that the quality of life cannot stand by itself. Types of result that may come from the research is depends on what respondents have experienced in their life. These three writers agreed that quality of life for respondent is according to location they live and work. This is the reason why quality of life for every person is different from one and another. Ramkrishna Mukherjee (1989) says that quality of life is concern about the living condition of the people. Ramkrishna (1989) use several approach to measure quality of life such as the standard and style of living. The standard of living for example is constructed from quantitative variation in the object of inquiry which is given by list of information items such as consumption of food, clothes, use of various kinds of durable goods like furniture and fitting, possession of item like radio, television and other housing amenities. Mark Rapley (2003) believes that the quality of life has been constructing from being a social scientific index of the relative well being of the whole population to being a measurable aspect of individual subjective experience. American sociologist James Q. Wilson (www.wordiq.com) mention the ‘Broken Window Theory, which asserts that relatively minor problems left unattended send a subliminal message that disorder in general is being tolerated, and as a result, more serious crimes as well end up being committed (the analogy being that a broken window left unrepaired show an image of generalized collapse). This theory tries to show that the condition of the environment gives the direct massage to people that that space or place is unsafe. These unsafe senses show that people are live in danger in that place and it directly show that their quality of life is in low level. One indicator that has been used to measure quality of life is level of happiness and when their fell that their life is in danger, they cannot reach the quality of life. This American sociologist tries to tell that physical environment can contribute to level of quality of life. Mark Rapley (2003) refers to Noll (2000) says the great society is concerned not with how much but with how good. It means that it is not with the quantity of goods but with the quality of their lives. Rapley (2003) also added that quality of life research is same as the welfare measurement. He defines that welfare is the subjective well being and the most important is the measure of the satisfaction and happiness. 2.2.2 Definition of Orang Asli Who is the Orang Asli? That is question that we must answers before we get to know this unique group. Orang Asli is a generic name given to the indigenous people living on Malay Peninsular. Other ethnic in Sabah and Sarawak is not taking into account of this Orang Asli group because these two states use the term â€Å"Sabah indigenous†and â€Å"Sarawak indigenous†. Eighteen ethnic group subgroups is fall in this category, which can be classified into three groups. These three groups are the Negrito, the Senoi and the Malayu Asli. This group is determined based on their language, livelihood and administrative purpose. The term Orang Asli is a Malay translation of the English word â€Å"aborigine†with ‘orangmeaning â€Å"human†and ‘asli meaning â€Å"original†or â€Å"traditional†. Orang Aslirefers to the indigenous peoples ofPeninsular Malaysia that not MalayMuslims, Malaysias main ethnic group. There were about 2.93 million orang asli in Malaysia in year 2006 (Malaysia Bulletin of Statistics issued on June 2006). They are the minority group because they make up just 11.8% of the national population. Nabuto Toshiro (2009) refers to Mohd. Tap (1990), pointed that the Malaysia government began using the Orang Asli term in 1996. Before that, the Orang Asli was variously described as the Biduanda, Jakun, Sakai, aborigines and other term. A. Baer (1999) in book entitle â€Å"Health, disease and survival: a biomedical and genetic analysis of the Orang Asli of Malaysia†tell early development activity that has been carry out by the government in developing the country is not considering the Orang Asli community. The development has taken Orang Asli formers and current land. This cause destruction to their natural resources and create a miserable life for Orang Asli community. There are attempt take by the government to fix this problem by give a small agricultures scheme. The main intention is to allow the Orang Asli community to do cash crop farming as the sources of economic and foods. Other than that, government also gives a minimal aids and land and expected that is enough to support their lives. This led Orang Asli community to lagged behind compare to other community in Malaysia. That is reasons on Orang Asli ethnic become the poorest of the poor. This shows that Orang Asli quality of life is at a low level due to they are economically poor. 2.2.3 Definition of rural area There are various definitions on rural area. According to Department of Statistic (2000), rural area is area that populated not more than 10,000 people. This population amount must according to the census of population and housing. Other than that, Malaysia Urban and Regional Planning Department also described rural area as area that located far from the urban area. Types of land use at rural area also characterise by the agricultural and natural resources such as forest. Next, rural area should consist with a settlement that cover all types of village and small settlement that not more than 10,000 people. Rural area can be categories into several factors which are: I. Population size II. Population density III. Urbanization levels IV. Level quality of life and public facilities (paved roads, electricity supply, water supply) Types of settlements that exist in rural area consist of traditional village, FELDA and FELCRA, Orang Asli village and other areas that cover under Regional Development Authority. 2.3 Conceptual and Philosophical issues of Quality of Life Concept on quality of life nowadays simply defined as a standard of living that has been received by individual or a community group. This standard of living concludes a sense of happiness, lifestyle, satisfaction and wealth. People who received all these criteria can be said has achieved a good quality of life. The issue is whether standard of living only criteria that can be determine quality of life. Mark Rapley (2003) stated that quality of life is a driving force in service design, delivery and outcome evaluation across medicine and social care. The quality of life of ‘patients/ ‘service user is now usually advocates as a measure of the ‘quality and ‘values of money of service. Mark Replay (2003) also adds that there are two conceptual ideas that use of the idea of quality of life which is an objectivity and subjectivity. Concept objectivity in quality of life can be defined as an attainment of various basic life needs such as a food and shelter which is considered common to all culture. Other than that, objectivity concept is representing external life condition such as economical factors. Subjectivity in quality of life is concern about the feeling that individual get in their life. It is more on appraisal of the thing that they get in their life. Figure 2.1 show the differences between the external condition (the material life arena) and the internal, personal element of people (the personal life arena). This figure tries to show that what exactly an objectives matter about and the subjective matter are about. Robert J.Rogerson (1999) described a material life arena can be viewed either as a geographical space within which place is people live. So the material life arena is the objective concept in defines a quality of life. In other word, material life arena is a stimulus for life satisfaction. Personal life arena included a subjective assessment of life, measure in term of satisfaction as well measure a characteristics of people. What are mean by characteristics of people was their preferences, priorities, aspiration and values system. According to Robert J.Rogerson, type A is a research based on the accessing the material life arena and employing primary social indicators. Type B is more on the personal life arena which mean that they more on characteristic of people which representing about the feeling, behaviour and others. Type C researches are more on subjective well being research where quality of life is a direct measure of individual cognitive and effective reaction to his own life. Material life area is the concern about the condition that can influence individual quality of life. This is because types of work, housing condition, place of living can make quality of life be better or maybe become worse. This is because the influences is come from outside and the individual are cannot control it by himself. Meanwhile personal life arena is the factors that can be manipulated by the individual itself. This is because these personal life arenas are controlled by the individual. the evaluation of this types of concept are based on the individual feeling that influenced by the experience, behaviour and satisfaction from the individual itself. Robert L. Schalock, Ivan Brown, Roy Brown, Robert A. Cummins, David Felce, Leena Matikka, Kenneth D. Keith, and Trevor Parmenter (2002) in article entitle â€Å"Conceptualization, Measurement, and Application of Quality of Life for Persons With Intellectual Disabilities†described quality of life are concern about domain of well being, inter and intra personal variability, personal context, perception, values, choice and personal control. So the better understanding will be obtained if all of these criteria can be explained in detail. I. Domain of well being There be lots of aspects that must be determined by the invidual in perform their life. For example individual are allowed to determined the thing that most important domain in their life such as a emotional well being, interpersonal relationship, material well being, physical well being, self determination, social inclusion and right. So individual must able to recognise what is the important need to them. The well being is not determined on how many amount that individual can get but on how valuable that things can be in the individual life. II. Inter and intra personal variability Variability is the most domain of well being that taken by individual to experience in their life. Thus, it is consider a different individual, different community and different cultural because quality of life for each individual is different from one to another. III. Personal context People context are the understanding of people about their context of environment that are important to them in their life. This can be influenced by the place that they live, work and play. This environment should be able to accommodate individual according to their feeling, interest, need and values. This will allowed them to adapt with the surrounding environment at the place that they live. IV. Perception Perception in quality of life is a individual statements about the individuals perceives at any moment in their life. The changes of views may be happen according to the changes of time and situation. However this is needed to see the reasons of the changes to create a improvements to receive a better quality of life. V. Values, choice and personal control This is relating to choice that has been made by individual. So in other word, it is individual ability to control over their interest in term of activities, intervention and environment. This is because every aspect in quality of life brings different values into individuals life. 2.4 Important of Quality Of Life Quality of life has been used as a tool to measure the well being condition of individual and community. Changes in size and population distribution will create unstable on living standard of a community. Using indicator that have been used in measure a quality of life, level of living condition of people can easily obtain. This will help responsible parties to developed strategies in improving the quality of life of people. It will enhance a people well being level. Quality of life matter actually should be a goal on every development that creates for people. This will give benefit for people and opportunity for people to enjoy their life. There are three ways that can be use on showing how importance quality of life which is at national, community and individual level. On national purpose, quality of life can be use as a tool on measure a standard of living of population at the country. Result that obtained will show the efficient government that role country. The result can be used to measure on the current situation that happens in that country. If there is peace, it means that people are satisfied with their current quality of life. These leads on economy development by attract investors to come and invest in the country. It will create a job opportunities for local people to enhance their income. In community life, quality of life has been used as a symbol of their community power. For a country that has lots of ethic, it is important to show their achievement to the other ethnic. Strong community will enable them to spoken for their community right and fulfil their requirement. Quality of life has used as a standard to measure satisfaction levels in its community. If they do not achieve their desired quality of life, so they will try hard until they achieve to become a strong community. Same scenario will happen to when achieving a personal quality of life. Level of satisfaction on individual will determine reaction on how individual will react to the community life. 2.5 Differences between urban and rural quality of life According Annette Spellerberg, Denis Huschka and Roland Habich (2006), in article entitle ‘quality of life in rural area : Processes of divergence and convergence, rural area has its own benefit from it geographical location. Economic indicator is not a major factor when measuring rural quality of life because they enjoy on lower standard of living. They also states that rural community actually function as balancer to homogenisation and dislocation that has been causes by the international economic process. Other than that, urban area has been used as a driving force for rural area development but the reverse situation happen when the concentration development that happen in urban area has cause rural areas continue to lagging behind. Spellberg (2006) also explain that a pressure of living in urban areas has push out urban family to the rural area. In suburban area, process of culture assimilation happen between the rural and urban. Impact may happen on level quality of life for people that migrate from urban area to rural area. This is because facilities and utilities that provided at rural area are not same as the facilities that provide at urban area. Therefore, their needs and requirements may not be fulfilled when they were in rural areas. Other than that, reduction of quality of life also causes by the lack sense of place because they are not in their origin places. Indicator that has been used on measuring rural quality of life consist types of work, housing condition, income level, leisure and social relationship. Indicator of housing condition for example refers to general satisfaction of resident to their housing condition and it surrounding areas. Finding gather from the research that has been done by Spellberg (2006) show that people live in rural area enjoy a high level of satisfaction with the standard of housing than the people that living in urban areas. A gap between rural and urban in the matter of subjective well being was not clearly defined. Other satisfaction of life in term of family, leisure and health could much more important to personal happiness and general satisfaction rather than income and affluence. In conclusion, there are differences between achievement quality of life in urban and rural areas. This difference can be seen in terms of measuring quality of life between these two areas. This is because the indicators used are different due to different geographical locations and the types of development that happen surrounding it. People in urban area are more satisfied with the material values rather than people in rural area that more on satisfaction on life and social relationship. For example, sense of neighbourhoods relation or social relation is stronger in rural area rather than people in urban area. This is because in rural, they lived as a one community and depend for each other. If there is disagreement between them it will lead to uneasy environment and because of that they cannot meet their happiness in life. Different scenario occurs in urban areas due to the absence of time, the neighbourhood relations are not taken seriously by them. Therefore it is not surprising that the people in urban areas do not know their own neighbours. 2.6 Measurement Quality Of Life How to measure a quality of life? Early researches have been made is not only using a social indicator but also using an economic indicator. Both of these indicators will shows about social and economic level of a society. According to the Malaysia Quality of Life report (2004) indicators that use to measure quality of life are income level, working life, health, education, environment, family life, social participation, culture and leisure. On income indicator it will measure on gross income and standard of living. Other than that, income also uses to see whether the individual can sustain their income for their self and family. Next, the types of work also can be used to measure the level income of individual. All of this is cannot be obtain in rural areas. This have causes many people to travel several miles to find work that can provides a better living wage. Working life indicator are use to measure the types of work and working condition environment of the community. At the rural area, high-income jobs are difficult to be obtained. Other than that, there are low rates of work variety and these make them to do same jobs all the time. A type of job that usually occurs in rural area is based on agricultural activities in a small scale. So they cannot obtain a high income level with kind of jobs. Next is health indicator that uses to study about the physically and mentality of people at the study area. Good healthy will enable people to work and socialist more effectively. This indicator will enable to detect their access to the health services. Even though they government are creating more and better health facilities but the result is often denied access for those unable to travel the distance to get the needed services. Family life indicator is used to measure how strongly the chain relationship between family member. Other than that, it will enable us to see types of social structure and how it will contribute on enhance a quality of life. Social participation will show about an involvement of an individual on their community. Lack of leadership and support from the community is one of problem that can be preventing that community to be a strong community. Other than that, it is ways to see if they are willing to contribute in social, political, religious and community activities. Other than that, the measurement on quality of life also must include the level of practise among community about culture and leisure. This is one of ways to identify their community identity. Other than that, the knowledge about their custom and tradition are also can be obtain. A culture aspect gives knowledge on social behaviour of those communities. It is an important part on to see whether the communitys relationship is still practicing nowadays. 2.6.1 Ethic of measure quality of life According to the R. L. Schalock (2002), the first thing before measure quality of life understands the degree of which people enjoy good quality in life. Measure quality of life should enable to enhance people quality of life by taking an action to improve the obstacle that currently decreased people quality of life. Other than that, the measurement result must be able to help and should never encourage achieving a low quality of life. Measuring quality of life is usually carried out by identified what are the specific things that have to value by individual. After that, it must be matched with the individuals perception or their happiness. Usually this measurement is concern with the â€Å"subjective†and â€Å"Objectives†measurement. The most usually method that being use is by measuring their life experiences to know the positive values that happen to the individual across time and among their cultural. Other than that, this also can be done by describing their positive valued into something that can be measure. Next, the method that can be used is the quantitative measurement. This done by creating a scale to described the level of their satisfaction between the â€Å"best†and the â€Å"worst†. 2.7 Malaysia rural social policy and it characteristic According to the Malaysia rural social policy journal (2008), Malaysia rural policy is cover a policy that helps farmer through providing a basic living needs to improve quality and productivity of the crops. Although Malaysia has a faced great process of urbanization as a tool on develop the country, agricultural sector has not be ignored but still practicing particularly in rural area. This is because rural area is places where the indigenous Malaysia practicing an agricultural activity. Through a ‘new economic policy that has been implement after an ethnic conflict 1969 to reduce of poverty especially for indigenous Malaysia, government has come on several strategies which are : Development of land, increase the cultivated land area and resettlement of landless farmers to grow cash crops. To improve a firm land capital construction which are drainage project in Kelantan State plan and Ji Muda Kedah. Provide a fertilize, high yield seeds, subsidies for high yield crops and a agricultural technique to improve agricultural crop yield, expanding oil palm and other economic crop planting area. The implementation of the price subsidy system, reduce market risks, to protect the interests of production for farmers. Provide loans for a farmer to enhance their agricultural production. Create a farmer market in urban centre to allowed farmer to sell directly to consumer without involve the third parties. With all these strategies, Malaysia has able to bring out rural people out of poverty while at the same time protect a basic living needs of the farmers. Since 2001, government has launch a ‘National Vision Policy with an anti poverty program that focus on the indigenous ethnic minorities in remote areas. Other than that, government also provide housing, water supply and sanitation system, basic living conditions and medical social services for those targeted people. Other than that, by think that only education that will help people to enhance their quality of life, government has come out with the ‘Compulsory Education Law for 6 to 15 year children. This is one ways that will encourage and forcing people especially in rural areas that has high percentages of not going to school. This policy is supported by done the development of new school building and school improvement in term of study condition and quality of teaching. In conclusion, government actually play a huge role on enhancing a quality of life for the rural. Government has been behind of the scene for every development that happens. Government and private sectors must be cooperating to provide a development that can bring happiness and welfare for the Malaysia people. 2.8 Application of quality of life in different country Quality of life research has been conduct almost on every country that exists in the earth. This is one ways to measure a level of living standard in that country. It will help to bring people from other country to become resident or just for travel. So the result of quality of life will be as a tool to know the actual level of quality of life in that country. There is differentness between urban and rural quality of life. So it is importance to well understand about urban and rural quality of life. 2.8.1 Quality of life in urban area Singapore Singapore for example is one of the country has done quality of life research several times. As a F.T. Seik, Yuen and L. Chin (1999) mention, there are about three studies has been done on the measurement of quality of life in Singapore. This study has been done by Kau and Wang (1995), Foo (1998) and Kau (1998). First study by Kau and Wang (199) is about the life satisfaction from 329 respondents aged 15 year and above 1993. The indicator that has been used is more on about the social, health and economic condition. Second studies made by Foo (1998) are to measure overall life satisfaction as well as to measure an importance and satisfaction towards various aspects of life. Third studies made by Kau (1998) are measure satisfaction with life in the Singapore. It measure using a likert-scale with ‘1 is for very dissatisfaction level and ‘6 as a very satisfied level. Conclusion and finding that can be found are people in Singapore are moderately satisfied with their overall quality of life. Education and income is two indicators that have impact on Singaporean overall life satisfaction. They score high in term of value healthy and family life but low level on the leisure and consumer goods. Hong Kong This is the summary on studies of subjective that has been done by Wan, P. S., Law, K. W. K., Wong, T. K. Y. (2008) entitle Subjective well-being. Studies on the quality of life at Hong Kong are concern about the subjective indicator which is based on the respondent subjective perception and evaluation of their lives and experiences. This study is done by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies in year 1988 under the project ‘Indicator of Hong Kong Social Development. The project has been done for several years until they develop an index, the SDI 2000 which uses to measure the social development in Hong Kong. The study is about subjective well being of the respondent. The findings of the study indicate that Hong Kong Chinese are more satisfied with their own personal lives rather than societal condition. The subjective well being is declines in 1995, although they still satisfied with their personal lives. Other than that, their confidence in the territory future is significantly lower. It also found that, there are considered a good health, peace of mind and money as the most important thing that could lead to their happiness. Using same questionnaire set just like the first study, Wan, P. S., Law, K. W. K., Wong, T. K. Y. (2008) launch another study that examined the mean self reported to develop a composite index to reflect changes in quality of life over the period from 1990 to 1997. It was found that the personal well being index was more robust to the changes and only get change with the global trend. Other than that, the societal well being index showed more obvious changes over time. 2.8.2 Quality of life in rural area New Zealand New Zealand is a one of the country that has done a quality of life research in a rural area. Maori people are an aboriginal people that usually live in New Zealand rural area. This research has been done by the Social Policy Research Unit of the Family Centre (Lower Hutt) and the Population Studies Centre, University of Waikato. Study case of the study is on Wellinton Tent Trust and the Palmerston North Maori Trust. The research is about understanding the wellbeing of Maori people because they (Royal Commission on Social Policy: 1988) believe that ‘a good society is one that allows people to be heard, to have say in their future and choice in life. For them, social well being includes that sense of belonging that affirms claims their dignity and identity and allows them to function in their everydays roles. First of all it is important to know what Maori people understand on quality of life. According New Zealand Maori Case Study 1 (2007) report, that refers on Love, Maulaulau and Pratt (2005) study, they identify that Maori people understanding concept quality of life would emphasise spiritual, family, tribal and social spiritual connection on responsibility, community relationship, authority and use of ancestral land as a component of Maori wellbeing with other generally shared component such as health care, adequate housing and other resources. Finding of the research shows that Maori community is more concern of human relationship with in detail is on the family relationship. This is because the entire respondent that has been interview states that social activities that happen around them is not only for themselves but also for the young generations. Other than that, they need to be able with the family and close to their own environment which are places that they are close to family. If we look on detail, it supposes to show how the strong is family bond between them. Studies also sho
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